Category: Language

Poetry – Hymns

School Hymn –

Father we praise thee, all thy faithful children

Active and watchful, stand we ask before thee,

Singing we offer, prayer and meditation

Thus, we adore thee.

Monarch of all things, fit us for thy mansions

Banish our weakness,  health and wholeness sending

Thine is the glory, gleaming and resounding

Through all creation.


My Hymn About My Dogs –

Ruby and Prince, little Shetland Sheep Dogs

Active and playful, chasing birds all da-ay,

Playing all the time, barking while they pla-ay

Loves getting pa-ats.

Chewing on everything, although never destroys it.

And doesn’t understand the, meaning of playing fetch.

But they’re adorable, so I cannot blame them

That’s just what they’re like.

Complex Sentences

We have been looking at complex sentences in class. A complex sentence is a sentence that has a dependent clause as well as a main clause. A main clause on its own is called a simple sentence.

We were given the following simple sentences based on the image below and I have turned them into complex sentences (with the dependent clause in italics.)

The men sat at the table. Quickly, because they wanted the best seat, the men sat at the table.
The men wore red coats. The men, who wanted to look good, wore red coats.
The men were feeling tired. After setting up the table , the men were feeling tired.
The table was piled high with food. The table, which had been set up by the red coated men, was piled high with food.
The weather was very hot today. After many days of heavy rain , the weather was very hot today.